Starting guide
Welcome home! To Saint John, A Guide for New Residents
Saint John is the oldest incorporated city in Canada. Located on the Atlantic coast and nestled in the Bay of Fundy along the St. John River, Saint John is an oasis of lakes, rivers, ocean beaches, forests, trails, heritage buildings, and modern amenities. We are a city of industry, art and culture, diversity, safe neighborhoods and new businesses. Saint John is a port of call for ships from around the world, a traditional immigration point and a growing city. We also have the highest tides in the world!
We are excited that you have chosen to live here, and we look forward to making your new life all that it can be!
This guide will help you as you settle down in Saint John. You will find the vital information you need, including services, organizations and contact details to help you and your family. On topics like housing and transportation, language services, education, employment, and even weather and special events, we hope this guide will help you find everything you need to live, work, and have fun in your new home.
The following is a list of the immediate services you will need to start your life in Saint John.

The menu below indicates which services are particularly relevant for new Canadians:
Before you arrive, visit:
Settlement Services
Saint John Newcomers Center, YMCA Newcomer Connections, PRUDE Inc.
Language Classes
The websites, phone numbers and services provided are current as of August 2020. Call or email to confirm locations, hours, and services. The goal of this guide is to provide resources for finding the services you need. Visit our website for the most up-to-date resources.
TIP: If you need temporary accommodation when you arrive, there are several Bed and Breakfasts, Motels and Hotels in Saint John.
1. About Saint John
2. Medical Attention
3. Transportation
4. Housing
5. Education
6. Economic Resources
7. Employment
8. Communication
9. Shopping
10. Religious and cultural organizations
11. Family
12. Security
13. Living in Saint John